
GreeceTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Greece Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Greece Government in Sector.

Supply of Wheeled Plastic Waste Bins

GRT Ref No.:  104809028

Deadline:  02 Oct 2024

0824 Announcement

GRT Ref No.:  104808737

Deadline:  30 Aug 2024

Board Declaration 39

GRT Ref No.:  104809451

Deadline:  30 Sep 2024

Digital Consumer Services and Infrastructure Management

GRT Ref No.:  104809019

Deadline:  05 Sep 2024

Bread Feeding Competition of Skchi 2025

GRT Ref No.:  104799525

Deadline:  08 Sep 2024

Provision of Cleaning Services of E.Ke.A.

GRT Ref No.:  104799519

Deadline:  10 Sep 2024

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